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And can you make a dark version, my eyes hurts

(1 edit)

Hello bubbletabby! im very interested on your game and i want to make a spanish traduction to beatblock if you want to :3

(1 edit) (+1)

I woud REALLY like to play this game but i'm an android user, is there a plan to make an APK of this game?

(1 edit)

I downloaded the DEMO on Steam : It runs but screen is black

I downloaded the DEMO on itch : Same problem



WHAT DO I DO?!??!? q-q

I even tried to deinstall, reinstall, on all version, even tried reinstalling and deinstalling itch, and itch still doesn't wanna work..

Is there a support team somewhere for problems this weird please q-q


hello! this is a known issue with the LOVE engine, if you have AMD drivers then try manually downloading the updated drivers from here:

(1 edit)

How do i change the ingame name of a custom level?

you can either edit the level.json directly, or you can use ctrl+i to open the level properties window ingame.

10/10 so fun 

android ports :3


How the fuck did you play the game on android?


he means he wants an android port to beatblock

Ohhhhhhh sorry my bad

Great game and fun demo! ^w^
Though the Tap mechanic's timing is a bit hard to get when not attached to a block ('- .-)

where can you download custom levels?

On the Discord.

it would be nice for a level creator tutorial seeing as it's this complex

it decided to decompile into every file in the code when i unzipped it

zipbomb but less destructiv

what the fuck, the linux version bin directory’s file permissions forbid reading

mkdir beatblock
unzip -d beatblock/
chmod -R 755 beatblock # thing thing you needed

This is one of the coolest rhythm game ideas out there and the execution is already pretty good as well. The things I'd say had some problems are:

1. That you can't change the keybinds (I used autohotkey and was happy, but that's obv not a permanent solution '^^)

2. The way the calibration works is kind of weird. I play on 120ms and I hit at the correct timing for the beat, I do get the points as well, but the visuals seem to not be calibrated as well, meaning the blocks almost reach me when I hit them with near perfect timing.

Again, awesome game though, thanks for making this and keep it up! <3

(4 edits)

How to load custom level it wont let me.

(Edit) = And how can we delete stuff in custom level editor.

(2nd edit) = And what are the controlls?

(3rd edit) = And when will there be a setting that we can change the keys  like "z or x" to like "e or q"?

i need help with this

1. to load a custom level, go to custom levels > open folder. then, insert your level.

2. to delete stuff in the editor, right click them.

3. the controls are z or x 

4. i dont know

wow your game is very light i accidentally opened 38 windows of it trying to get my controller to work and it was fine

How do you just accidentally open up 38 windows

a controller button functioned as a left click and my mouse was hovering over the executable. how it opened 38 instances i do not know

where can i get mods?

(4 edits) (+1)

Chinese players like the game very much :) (that's me)

I'm sorry. My English is bad (伤心

When can join Chinese.I wanna use the “custom level”(AwA

English verison of 114514nin message = Chinese players like this game very much:) "including Me" [next] when can i join chinese. i wanna use the :custom level: (Awa

Truly the best rhythm game I have ever played! Can't wait for the full game!

where is the editor???

Go to custom songs and create

but how do we load custom level file


I absolutely love this game! The base mechanic, the mapping, the visuals, everything is amazing. Although, I have a couple suggestions that I think would help with trying to get better at the game:

-Toggleable miss/barely counters would be nice, because sometimes it's hard to hear the barely noise over the music, which can be annoying when grinding for a P rank.

-I think a practice mode where you can set the speed of a song and/or start at a specific part would be helpful, since sometimes I need to learn the pattern for a specific part but have to go through the entire song to practice it just once.

-A mouse sensitivity adjuster in the settings could be useful.


where is the custom level site?

Someone in the comment mentioned that you can download custom levels through the discord server

(1 edit)

im too stupid to barley be able to play this game but rlly good demos


It was a great game! It certainly was difficult, but given time, I think that you could get better at the levels. Other than the side hits, tapping notes at the correct time was challenging. I think having a visual aid for tapping notes correctly would help. A circle around the player would help us line up when to tap for the shrinking circles. Also having a visual (like changing the color of the shield) when you tap would help you to know whether you were early or not.

This game is going in a great direction! I can't wait to see the rest of the game.


its pretty fun, but i found most of the visual distractions to be way too disorienting / obfuscating especially without any form of audio cues (which would also make figuring out the tap timing way easier)

also side blocks are definietly too hard to hit! though perhaps that truely is a skill issue... maybe just use them more sparingly?

this is nice

Amazing game ! It's very hard to play  (might be a skill issue) but the art style, levels and musics are all very well made

great game, already trying to understand how to use the editor, though i can't quite find the level's file since it's not in the usual steamapps/common/[game] like most other games

if someone could help, please do, thanks in advance :)

nevermind, found it


the side blocks are very hard to hit
also I do not know how to add music to custom levels at all
ive put the music with the other files like youre supposed to but every time i try to put a music block down it just gives me an error once I open the song, no matter what I put in, also, what filetype should I be using? mp3? ogg? A guide on how to make levels would be good

nvm that was a bug, i deleted the level and made a new one and putting in (filename).(filetype) seemed to work

also i used ogg for any of you that are wondering, dont know if mp3 works, havent tested it

side blocks are still very hard to hit tho, please make them more forgiving im beg


Noted, and thank you for the feedback! We currently have a work-in-progress editor guide as well:

I hope this helps you out! Once this guide is complete, we hope to package it with the full release as a PDF ^^

Mp3 doesn't work, just letting everyone know! Ogg and wav files only work. :)

Good game, the side hits are kind of annoying, and there can be some unresponsiveness (why am i sometimes hitting mines when my plate is not touching them?). Absolutely recommended for people who like difficulty


Thanks for playing our game! We hope to properly introduce side notes in the full release, and we're looking at accessibility options for improving leniency with certain note types ^^

heyyyy so uhm this may be kinda weird but do you know me???????? vortex_8 on discord? like do you remember me

This is pretty fun. Looking forward for what the future of this game will be. As for my feedback I think you can implement a toggleable feature so that your mouse can't move too far or too close to the center (just my opinion tho).

Thank you for the feedback! We do have a control scheme option called "circle snap" implemented that snaps the cursor to a radius around the player- give it a shot and let us know how it feels ^^

option to change radius of snap circle? or just mouse sensitivity (same effect)


dfghdskgdhgkjdf hate the taps and side thingies so much

fun game though

(also was happy to find out that this game was made in löve2d!!)


Usually rhythm games that just involve mousing over notes without rhythmic input aren't super interesting to me, but this game implements it super well! Also the reactive visuals are top notch, and most of the mechanics are pretty genius! Excited to see this game evolve!


god im so horrible at the game but it's s o good, fairly simple in idea but does ask you to get used to the mechanics. maybe has tad too high of a difficulty spike right now but it is still a demo and has only five levels. i do need to know where i can get custom levels though

Hi! Hopefully as more levels are added, the difficulty curve will smooth out a bit. In the mean time, you can find custom levels in our Discord server! ( ^^ )=)


loving the game!!! the base mechanic is really fun, and i'm absolutely planning on making some levels. the only problems i have, which is kind of a big one, is the lack of feedback and readability. on the cowboy level, i can't tell if i'm being hit by a miss of the timed circle click things(?) or the mines. i also can't really see the mines, because everything else in the level is black. on the last purple-ish level, the shaking screen make it almost impossible to tell what's going on. everything else is amazing, the mapping is INSANELY good and it feels absolutely awesome. all of the effects are super cool looking. it's just those two problems that make it super hard to play

like some other people mentioned, i'd love some accessability features, but this is a demo so i didn't expect any. some auto clicks for the notes you have to click or sides to normal notes would be some nice ones


solid game so far! can’t wait to see more


Funny groundhog references :3

it's really very promising, the game has huge potential. However, the demo is really hard, but I imagine that the final game will have more simple levels. The side blocks are particularly complicated I think. I'm having a bit of trouble with the pixel art font used, it's sometimes a bit hard to read, especially in the tutorial, which goes pretty fast. Otherwise, I'm quite impressed that there's already a level editor that seems to be quite powerful! Can't wait to see the full game!


Thanks for your input! Improving the difficulty curve, alternate font choices, and readability/charting tweaks are all on the table for development going forwards. We hope you have fun with the editor as well (=( ^^ )


Accessibility options are always a plus in my book!
In regards to this I would also reccomend adding colorblind options, a font choice that works well with people that have dyslexia as well as options to turn down some of the more extreme visual effects, so that everyone can have a similar experience. There might be something I have forgot to mention but I think that's all of them.


This is has an insane amount of potential to become huge. I just really recommend adding a practice mode because it's so unforgiving, and it's hard to sightread and understand what I am supposed to do.

We appreciate the feedback! We're hoping to iron out the learning curve for future builds so players can better understand the game's mechanics ( ^^ )=)


I'm not very good at rhythm games, but this was very well done. I like the level designs a lot! They all feel unique and fluid to play with (even if I miss more notes than I should). My only criticisms are that I SUCK at this game and also the taps on the blocks in Code Remix are just a little hard to see. Awesome work, good luck with the rest of your development!

Thanks for playing! Apologies for the difficulty curve being how it is- our planned full scope will have individual tutorials and easier levels to help players build up to more difficult ones. (=( ^^ )

(1 edit) (+1)

It's a little tricky to figure out when your supposed to tap on blocks, could just be a skill issue. Other than that everything about this is great. I look forward to updates :)

Thank you for playing! We've got more updates (both new levels and QoL tweaks/fixes) planned for later this year ( ^^ )=)

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